Monday, July 26, 2010

The BODY Electric!

This post is for my Grand-People-AT-Large! We are a Gaggle of Grandparents! (That's what happens when you have multiple marriages and divorces! ☺) We are truly lucky as our "Gaggle" loves one another and we ARE one big, very happy family ... We embrace the children and grandchildren that we all love so deeply! THAT BEING SAID ....

Some of the "gaggle" are very skeptical of the BANT Theory and the daily exposure to EMF's, the damage it does to our health and long term risks. Well, I have finally found a way to SHOW the "gaggle" what we (Amy, Myrnx and me) are fighting! I'm so exited and it was right in front of my face all these months ...

If you take one of those batteries that have the "testing dots" on them ...(you know, the ones' with a green dot for each thumb), your "body electric" conducts its own current thru the battery, as the conduit and connects the "green line" if the battery is good.

Its NOT a far stretch to believe that some of the bad "currents" in our environment have effects on our health ... could micro-waves cause diabetes? How about radio waves (got Sirius?) or that wonderful warm electric blanket? I just don't know, but I actually know TWO women who have BOTH had tumors on their facial nerve, directly behind the ear, one's was cancerous the other not. Its a fact that brain tumors are on the rise and I believe, along with folks smarter than me, that its a direct result of cell phone use!

Amy has seen REAL positive BG reading in the past few weeks of "experimenting" with the BANT Practitioners' methods! She has now reduced Ashlee's insulin from 1 unit per 15 carbs to 1 unit per 25 carbs! AND she is still slightly low! I am thrilled! and so very proud of her for doing anything and everything to MOVE diabetes out of Ashlee's life!

Diabetes is very SNEEKY ... and it may just be laying-low to give us some false hope and security. Doesn't matter, we will continue to use any tools available to beat this thing! The ONLY thing that will WORK FOR EVERYONE is a CURE. Let's pray they find one but until they do ... get out the tin-foil! ha ha ha ☺

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Angel Baby came to VISIT!

Angel & Romeo

Looking Better!


Angel Baby is SO MUCH BETTER .... its unbelievable how these little creatures heal so fast! If she was a person ...she would have been laid up for six months or more! I took these pics of her stitches and having lunch with Romeo! (Angel ate three bowls!)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Voodoo Science! B.A.N.T.

It's working !! It's WORKING!!
I don't know for how long ...
We have surrounded ourselves with WONDERFUL technologies. What a blessing it is to have information at your finger-tips. But to what end? Everything has a price ... and I believe that we are currently beginning to "pay the price" of our instant gratification.
Amy, we are so proud of you! Don't listen to the negative, just follow that still small voice that IS TELLING you how to manage things!
Gosh, how we LOVE YOU, Darling AMY!!
our little Amy Pooski!
post script: SCE is shutting off electric for the next four hours. If I never blog again ... someone please come and bury the corpse

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A1C ..what does it all mean??

So, Ashlee had her SECOND visit with the Endo today .... A1C was 8.1 ... BUMMER and, I guess she was really acting up (something that is uncharacteristic for Pre-D Ashlee) but, alas SHE WAS OUT OF STRIPS ... zero-zip-nada .. no testing if you got no STRIPS! This is where I get on my soapbox!

ARKids supplies limited, at best, testing strips for any given month .... by the 19th or 20th of the month she is out of strips. (What's today ? Oh, yea, the 20th!) So Amy and Polo have been purchasing the difference for the last 10 to 12 days of the month. As anyone who has diabetes knows ... those friggin-strips are like GOLD! $1.10 to $1.50 each ... depending on where and WHEN you buy them ... (sometimes she runs out and its not convenient to go to one of the discount pharmacies, like WalMart). I think its just plan sinful to charge these already cash-strapped "kids" an extra $75 to $100 bucks at the end of each month! Add that to the ALL ORGANIC , WHOLE FOODS [ B.A.N.T. products (which are working BTW)]... that cost DOUBLE the regular supermarket prices and they are really stretching the family food budget to its limit! Forgive me ... I'm just worried about how they are going to make ends meet with three other children and Ashlee's illness has curtailed Amy's business outings to a minimum...she has to put Ashlee FIRST. So, the burden of keeping up the family income falls on poor Polo, who is working two jobs ON TOP of his Family Business! The Lord gives them the strength to endure and for that, I PRAISE Him!

OK ...back to the A1C ... My mom's has been OK ... between 6.0 and 7.1. This is only Ashlee's SECOND A1C test ... the first was when she first saw the Endo at the end of March. Amy doesn't remember what that number was only that it was in the double digits . ?? SO what does it mean? Too much Catalina Fun? Too much Cali in general .... I just don't know. We all only want her to to have a long healthy life ... I hate that DIABETES MOVED IN ... and isn't PAYING RENT!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

D-Moms & Ladies That Blog ...

What a blessing the past month has been to me! I have found so many blogs of [mostly*] Moms' who blog about their daily fight [literally] with diabetes. I've laughed and cried and been down on my knees to pray for these women I don't even really know. All of a sudden I feel as if they are ALL my daughters and their children, my grand-children! (* I read one Darling Daddy Blog, Adren's Day, and I need to give him credit for his wonderful site!)

I don't feel so stupid anymore. All these gals have the same problems Amy has been dealing with ... chasing numbers from one end of town to the other! I so wish I could get Amy to read some of the blogs I've found! She'd have a WHOLE new outlook (like I've had) if she did! She is so overwhelmed with it all! The sleep deprivation is the common thread with all of these wonderful D-Families! It's akin to being a prisoner of war ... A Diabetes P.O.W. !!!

If any of my darling "bloggers" read this post ... KNOW YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS DAILY and that its because of YOUR blogs, I've had the courage to continue on each and everyday!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Jesus loves you! and so do I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Monday, July 12, 2010

"D" doesn't pay rent

You know, DIABETES moved into our homes, lives, hearts and heads. First, my Mother some 20 years ago ... and now our beloved Ashlee, five months ago. Don't get me wrong, we are usually very welcoming of new ideas and guests .... but if "D" wants to live here ... It MUST pay rent!

Myrnx is on her test run with the PUMP !!! Using just saline for the doses. She doing OK with the exception of the first site change .... after two hours she was in tears and told me she would NEVER be able to get it right! Well, of course, it all worked out and I am very excited to be taking her into the Diabetes Clinic on Wednesday to "fire-that-baby-up" !!!

I pray this Pump is the solution to her needs .... she is really wearing down and I love her so! I want her with me for always! Next step is to get Ashlee PUMPED-UP, too! As difficult as it is to get started, the long range benefits outweigh the trial and errors and haggling with the insurance! I also asked Amy to leave Ashlee with us for a few months ... to give her (Amy) a break and to show Ashlee how SPECIAL she is. I know we could pull it off ... especially now that I've been reading all these D-Mom Blogs! What a blessing these girls have been! AND Inspirational!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

a Family tradition... NOT!

Summer in Catalina! Long before I was born ... this was (is) a W-Family Tradition! Amy and the grand kids still come to Catalina ( from Arkansas)... every summer like clockwork. So wonderful to have them in Cali!

This year, Ashlee, 6 year old Type 1, had her very first D-Catalina! Being newly dx'ed .. she is still adjusting (as we all are)to daily shots and testing. She has only used the Insulin Pens ... never had a dose with syringe. Mid-week thru the Catalina Vacation ... PEN WAS EMPTY! Oh bummer! Amy thought she had brought the "refill" but it turned out to be a vial of Humalog! No problem...go to Drug Store and buy syringes .. easy-peazy! WRONG .. Ashlee was frightened of this new method (can you blame her?). Fortunately for the family, Uncle Doctor , comforted Ash and told her he would give her the shot! Amy tells Uncle Doctor the correction dose is 2 units and the deed is done tears, quick and easy UNTIL a recheck of Ash's BG ... dropping ... dropping ... really dropping ... Amy immediately asks Uncle Doc exactly how much Humalog he drew up ... TWO ... "up to the TWO LINE"...OMIGOSH that's 20 units! AND HE'S A REAL DOCTOR ... think of how easily any of us could overdose this darling little sweetheart! Ashlee was very happy to CARB-OUT and disaster was abated! Praise the Lord!

How life changes when you have a child with Type 1 ... I feel the responsibility and I'm not with her 24/7. We are so proud of Amy! Four kids, one husband, running a home-business, HOME SCHOOLING and now ... Diabetes has moved in, too!

The ONLY good thing about "D" moving in ... we get to be closer with the kids! We don't feel guilty about calling daily (we used to feel like we were bothering their busy lives).

The Myrnx just received the "Pump". The Home nurse will hook-her-up first week of August .... if it goes well for her, maybe Ashlee's Endo will recommend for her, too.! Keep us in your prayers! FIND A CURE!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ashlee and the "D" word

As most of you already know... our little granddaughter, Ashlee, was diagnosed a few months ago with Type 1 diabetes. Cool! The Myrnx, my Mom, has been an adult onset Type 1 for about 20 years now so I thought I was REAL SMART about all things Type 1.
WRONG WRONG WRONG , I am just a BIG DUMMY !! After doing research and reading some D-Mom Blogs out there, I really started to get frightened by everything! My mom, little Ashlee ...everybody! How could I have had my head buried in the sand for so many years??

Bottom line ... I'm doing the "CliffsNotes" study-up ON CURRENT diabetes issues (yes, things change alot in 20 years)and will be up to speed in no time at all. I feel guilty about it taking Ashlee's dx to make me aware that I know so little! My mom could have used my help thru the past 20 years! No looking back ... just forward! I'm determined to get these two specials "girls" healthy!