Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Love HR !

Oh his little heart is failing and I just can't bear it! He ate his food this morning and it took him almost an hour! Little Romeo hearts beats like :

Bump-Bump Bump-Bump ...perfect rhythm ... Chloe beats same ... then my HR~~~~~~~~

Sounds like Bump-swoosh swoosh BumpBumpBump Swooooooooshhhh

I know its bad bad bad ..... I just can't let him go, the little Rascal! He's taking an ACE Inhibitor and I'm wondering if he may need a Beta-Blocker instead ... Vets are ALMOST as BAD as Doctors! Rush em in ...collect the moo-laa and don't let the door hit-your-booty on the WAY OUT!! What to do What to do What to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I hope you find out what works so that he is comfortable. Does he seem lethargic? Or having difficulty breathing? Poor guy.

I am thinking of you Pam, I know how much he means to you. I would be bumming out if it was Oscar...even after the feminine hygiene product incident.