Saturday, November 6, 2010


After reading Meri's post about her son's autoimmune skin and such disorders (all caused by EVIL D) and Sweet Joe's Christmas Wish ... I got MAD .... I don't mean angry or upset ... anyone who knows me, knows I don't ever use bad language, but I started last night! Circling my condo thinking and cursing OUT-LOUD !! Only the pets heard, thank goodness! but EVEN they were scared of me!☺

THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS D-BLOGGER(s) : here's what I'm going to do: type out a "sample letter" to send / give to all my friends and neighbors to HAND-WRITE out a personal letter to their district Congress Person (Mary Bono-Mack for me).
I am not trying to point any fingers here .... but some Endocrinologists are jaded about diabetes and ALL the little (I say jokingly) disorders that go with it! SOMETHING IS REALLY WRONG HERE .. in my case, my D-Grandchild's Endo says he doesn't Rx RESCUE KITS !!!! F-Him! (Thank you, Reyna!)It's not our baby's fault that his brain is T2 wired (less than 2% of his patients are KIDS w/T1). Small town mentally, I guess! My Mom's Endo pooh-pooh's her yearly 'bouts of hyponatremia! Every D-Care Person knows what I mean, knows the frustration of doctor(s) not ordering EVERY test available for [whatever] symptom is presented. WE NEED THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM TO BACK US UP, REGARDLESS OF THE ADDED COST TO INSURANCE COMPANIES OR STATE-AID AGENCIES OR PAPER WORK COSTS!! That's right, some doctors actually advise the patient or parent that the added cost [to his/her] office personnel to do all the paperwork required by most all insurance companies and HMO's, etc. is just too excessive!

We need to flood our Representatives' Office with {nice} DEMANDS for better research and a CURE. Believe me, the more letters they receive the higher their priority will be in Washington when approached by Lobbyists for Insurance and Drug Companies ... believe me, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I WILL POST A COPY OF MY SAMPLE LETTER WHEN ITS DONE ... MAYBE ANY OF YOU WHO SEE THIS BLOG WILL DO THE SAME.

Letters that are "hand-written" definitely receive greater weight than letters that appear to be "form" or "bulk" mailing !!! I know this from FIRST HAND experience!
It's the least we can do for National Diabetes Month!


Unknown said...

Fantastic idea Pam. I cannot wait to see your sample letter and I will work on something as well...

Also, that is WRONG and DANGEROUS that your grandaughter does not have an order for GLUCAGON. Is your daughter able to take her to a pediatric endocrinologist???

You are too sweet and as you know, I am cool with the "f" bomb.

Have a great w/e.

Pam said...

The ONLY pediatric Endo is in Little Rock, 3 1/2 hours away from them ... and when you've got FOUR kids at home ... they don't even TRY to get an appointment. Ashlee was medi-vac'd there March 1st, 2010, when she was dx'd ... they referred them to the Endo in Springdale, where they live for follow up and they've just stayed with him. My mom is GIVEN a "red" rescue kit every year! So that's what I've always called it.If I wasn't afraid the daughter would get mad at me ...I'd call their endo ... I get crazy that way. The best I can do is keep {{{gently}}} nudging her to request an RX! SHIT! I'll GET ONE FROM MY DOCTOR! How stupid am I to have JUST thought of that! Getting old isn't for sissies!