Wednesday, November 24, 2010

T-Day driving!

Well ..I'm going to pick up the Arkansas GANG tomorrow at Lax! It will be the VERY VERY first Thanksgiving I haven't been able to spend with my Mom ... and it hurts just a little tiny bit. She mentioned today that this was the beginning of getting used to a life without her and I just started crying! She loves (even at her age) to prepare and serve a scrumptious dinner for us!

I'm THANKFUL that we all are healthy lease at present! and, I guess that's all that matters ... I guess I'm just being selfish ...wanting to have as much MOM time as I have left!


Unknown said...

(((HUGS))) Pam. That must hurt a bit...missing your mom...realizing your time with her on this earth is limited and wanting to cherish every last bit of it.

I am thankful for you. I enjoy your perspective on life...on "d"...on pets. You are one great, fun lady. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

Pam said...

Oh Reyna! Someday ...I am going to come and see your IceSkating Rink! When you see a {Gucci} BagLady on your street, with a little white dog, You'll know its me! LOL

Happy Thanksgiving!