Friday, October 15, 2010


I don't know what caused it ... but for at least two weeks, every time I turned around I was signed OUT of my Google account ...then, when I'd try to sign in again ... it didn't know me and I had to go thru the whole re-set the password dealio... yada yada yada YOU KNOW THE DRILL! The E-Blogger portion of the account un-remembered my followed blogs ...which was the worst part of the whole fiasco...

but woo hoo doggie-woggies ... it's fixed now ... NUF SAID!

ps: Bob says "HI!" (My 25 pound black cat ...THANK YOU, Jenny Craig!)


Unknown said...

YAY for the Google fix! I hate stuff like that :(

Love the fat black cat :) I used to have a fat cat too....lots to snuggle!

Unknown said...

WOOT on google being fixed and LOVE Bob. Our Max used to be fat in his younger years. He is now 15 years old and thinning down so much. I think this could end up being his last winter. He is an indoor-outdoor gets cold here in VT!

Hope you have a great w/e.